CI and Tantra
Sabine Sonnenschein
May 26-29, 2016

Contact Improvisation based on Tantra

Workshop with Sabine Sonnenschein
Assistance: Christian Neher

May 26-29, 2016
Haus Lebenskunst, Berlin

                                 Zur deutschen Version

26th Thursday, 6-10pm
27th Friday, 10am-10pm (with a 2-hour lunch break)
28th Saturday, 10am-10pm (with a 2-hour lunch break)
29th Sunday, 10am-5pm (with a 1-hour lunch break)

Through tantric approach und techniques, Contact Improvisation (CI) becomes a tantric practice, a sensual and holistic dance experience. In this workshop we practise CI not just under the lens of physical and anatomical phenomena: you dance as a unit of body, soul, spirit and mind.

Sabine Sonnenschein combines sadhana and practices from Kundalini Tantra Yoga (from Swami Satyananda Saraswati), Kashmiri Tantrism and CI:

We will experience classical basics of CI techniques (dealing and playing with gravity, effect and use of weight) in a new way because of tantric approaches towards the world, such as sparsa (touching und being touched), spanda (vibration of the consciousness and the world), bhakti (devoted love) and samavesa (to immerse as well as to absorb).

In a slow and very consequent way we will get aware of the chakras (energetic centres in the body) by breathing exercises, sadhana from Kundalini Tantra Yoga (from Swami Satyananda Saraswati); the exercises support the flow in the chakras.

This class enables you to listen to yourself, to your innerness.

You sense your breath, the inner movement, the inner flow and inner subtle energies. You get aware of your emotions and possibly emerging thoughts. In case regularising or self-restricting thoughts emerge, you let them pass by and sense the moment and the self-awareness of your body (proprioception, interoception, visceroception).

In breathing you are finally able to let energy circulate in your body, to absorb as well as emit energy.

In this workshop you experience your space and how much space you need.

You become aware of your personal boundaries, learn to preserve them and communicate them towards others, as well as expand them consciously, if you want to. You practise respect towards yourself, self-responsibility and empathy for others: You experience, which quality of touch reachs you and which not. You feel which quality of touch supports you and which not. How do you enter the space and the energetic field of your partner? How do you get in contact with the cells and the nature of your partner?

How do you and your partner find your dance together in listening to each other?

A deep encounter between you two becomes possible, if you don‘t want anything from your partner, nor your partner from you. A deep encounter becomes possible, when you don’t just use your partner to just feel yourself and when your ego does not instrumentalise him/her, but instead, becomes silent and both of you experience each other and also the space, maybe even the universe.

How do you touch the space as your lover? How do you – in dancing – become one with the en-souled space, the world or the universe?

Expanding into the space you may experience samadhi.

Love energy and sexual energy are not excluded, but used for the dance in an aware way. They nourish your dance.

One evening is dedicated to a massage.

You will be practising in a mixed gender group.

Level: This workshop is open for everybody, who is interested. But experience in meditation is needed.

Please bring a fruit of your choice on the first day, with which you would like to introduce yourself to the rest of the group!

Language: This class is given in English and German

This workshop you can participate alone of course, but you can also participate with your partner. Couples may agree on what exercises they want to do together and what not. There will be exercises that can definitely deepen the couple’s relationship.

Interview (in german):

Introduction (in german):

BIO Sabine Sonnenschein:
Sabine Sonnenschein (*1970) is sexologist (sexualtherapeutic method Sexocorporel), she teaches tantra and contact improvisation.

She is freelance choreographer and performer since 1992. Her artistic work – 39 performance pieces – has been shown in Europe and NYC.

She lives and teaches a fusion of a tantric perspective on the world and dance as a practice of life.

She has been involved with sensitizing the body and contact improvisation (CI) since 1990. Impressive CI teachers for her were Nita Little, Andrew Harwood, Daniel Lepkoff, Mark Tompkins and Inge Kaindlstorfer. She has training in tantric full body massage (AnandaWave/Cologne) and also lomi lomi nui (with Margareta Kappl). She was introduced to yin yang massage by Andro, has studied pelvic massage by K. Ruby and has been introduced to Kashmiri tantrism and Kashmiri yoga of touch by Daniel Odier. Deepening in „Vijnana Bhairava Tantra“ with Dr. Bettina Bäumer.

In Vienna she has practiced tantric body work, womb dialogue and tantric coaching with focus on sexuality since 2006.

She gives workshops focusing on the fusion of Tantra and Contact Improvisation since 2010. Teacher at ImpulsTanz Festival in Vienna, Schwelle 7 in Berlin and Studio Keller in Paris.

Sabine Sonnenschein works together with the musician Günter Touschek (AT) since 2010. She also works together with Benno Enderlein (D), Manuela Blanchard (CH), Cleo Laigret (FR) and Malcolm Manning (GB).

BIO Christian Neher:
Christian Neher (*1969) Looking back on a long and successful career as tournament dancer, he’s been getting into contact improvisation, studying it extensively all over the world and began teaching this form in 2011. Engaged in tantra since 2009 (Art of Being, Skydancing, Daniel Odier, among others) . He’s teaching social dances & contact, studying gestalt therapy, and writing. He’s working with Sabine Sonnenschein since 2011.

Early bird single 320€ – as pair 560€ (money transfer until April 15, 2016), thereafter single 380€ – as pair 660€

We can accomodate workshop participants directly in the studio for the duration of the workshop (TH>FR>SA>SU – not WE>TH, not SU>MO). The studio has a kitchen, as well as showers/bathrooms.
Sleeping in the studio: 10 EUR per night/person. Please book your place to sleep when registering to the workshop.

For registration details and workshop questions please contact me by e-mail at


Haus Lebenskunst (studio of the former „Institut für Lebenskunst“
Mehringdamm 34 (2. backyard, staircase 4, 6. floor)
10961 Berlin

Subway Station Lines U6 + U7: Mehringdamm (exit Yorkstraße),+Mehringdamm+34

Robert Peres

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